Amazing dinner last night for #FishStock2018 thank you @woolychef and the Heart of House team for preparing a beautiful menu. @oceanwiselife 1st course- Smoked Lake Erie Pickerel Verloute with foraged ramp pickle and a fumet 'Caviar' 2nd course- Poached
by thewoolypub 5 years ago | via Instagram

♨南紀白濱海岸▋和歌山自駕遊▋享海景、泡湯趣,日本最古老的崎の湯 ! #南紀白浜三勝景~ #三段壁 #千疊敷 #円月島 ???? 白濱町是面臨太平洋紀伊半島富有代表性的溫泉地區,與大分縣的別府和靜岡縣的熱海並列,被稱爲日本三大溫泉地。天然美景則是有南紀白濱三勝景,有海蝕洞窟的無人小島─圓月島、高 50~60 米如同屏風的斷崖─三段壁、柔軟的砂岩形成呈臺階狀的大岩席─千疊敷等,更有日本最古老的湯加上細如麵粉的白沙的沙灘與週遭的非常多溫泉勝地,這裏可以玩的點真的太豐富了
by smilebenjean 5 years ago | via Instagram