今日の「プサンフードフィルムフェスタ」では、地元プサンで調理師を目指す高校生が「映画めんたいぴりり」を鑑賞してくれました。 でんさんの「顔」が高校生の爆笑のツボやったみたいです、 明日もプサンの「映画の殿堂」で「映画めんたいぴりり」の上映が予定されています。 8月7日にDVDか発売されます 長尺のメイキング映像や舞台挨拶など蔵出し特典映像も満載ですバイ!
by mentaipiriri_the_movie 4 years ago | via Instagram

Black beans, anyone? I've always thought that the best way of getting kids to try a variety of food is by modeling good habits, and eating together. I'm thrilled my daughter loves eating black beans, but I do wish she wouldn't always steal mine ??????????
by alldonemonkey 5 years ago | via Instagram

My little slugger! Teeball is so hilarious to watch because it really is like herding cats. The kids sometimes forget to drop the bat after they make a hit, or in the outfield they all want to run and catch the ball, often jumping into a huge pile and fig
by alldonemonkey 5 years ago | via Instagram