이번주는 흐림☁️ 후덥지근하고 무기력해지은 날씨에요 ㅠㅠ, 시원한 아아 마시면서 긍적적인 하루를 보내봅니다!
#더위 #비오는날 #여름 #효창동카페 #용산구카페 #더운날엔 #카페 #아아 #아이스아메리카노 #커피맛집 #일상 #데일리 #좋아요
[Today’s guests]
Welcome to #trainhostelhokutosei from all over the world! We enjoy talking with them and taking photos:) The guy who is from #Sweden have traveled more than 20 countries and show us many beautiful pictures! Tokyo is getting warm nowadays!