I ALMOST GOT SCAMMED AND FEARED FOR MY LIFE ????⁣ ⁣ It was 12:10am, when all of a sudden my hotel phone rang. A man introduced himself as the front desk receptionist of the hotel I’m staying at and said, “I don’t want to alarm you, but we are notifying...
by msjuliannaj 5 years ago | via Instagram

Was a good weekend... 5 days to go! ???? Next game: 18.03., Face-Off 13:00! ???????? #dortmund #lacrosse #lacrosseteam # #bundesliga #wolverines #dortmundwolverines #dortmundüberrascht #laxlife #ruhrgebiet #ruhrlove #ruhrpott #vorbereitung #testspiel #ins
by dortmundlacrosse 6 years ago | via Instagram

★가정의달 창고확장이전 기념★ ✔최대 80% 할인행사! ➤기간 : 4/30 ~ 5/13 ➤해당상품 : TS시리즈 상품 ✦기본할인 추가 25% 할인혜택 가정의 달 및 창고확장이전을 기념하고 그동안 고객님들께 받은 성원에 감사해 초특가 할인행사가 열립니다! TS시리즈를 할인가격에 만나보시고???? 앞으로 TS퍼니처 더 사랑해주세요❤ . . . . . #가구 #가구이벤트 #티에스퍼니처 #인테리어가구 #책상 #책장...
by ts.furniture 6 years ago | via Instagram