Want to display your Instagram photos on your website?
Head over to https://snapwidget.com to create your free Instagram widget today!
Update: Since this article was published Instagram and SnapWidget has undergone a lot of changes. Check out our help articles to find out how to add Instagram to your website.
Launched only a few months ago, Instagram quickly reached a million users and is still growing strong. The iPhone only (for now?) app allows you to take photos and apply amazing effects to them. You can then share them to Facebook, Twitter and various other social networks.
Once you’ve taken a couple of photos on Instagram and would like to share them with the visitors to your website or blog simply head over to SnapWidget to generate your own widget.
The generation process is very simple and easy to do. Below we’ve outlined the steps required to get your widget embedded into your website.
Now paste this snippet where ever you want the widget to be displayed. If you’re using a WordPress blog, add a Text widget in the sidebar and paste the snippit in there. For Tumblr, simply edit the HTML of your page and paste the code exactly where you want.
You’ll now have a beautiful gallery that displays your photos on your website. It’s as simple as that!
Please send us links to your websites or blogs that use SnapWidget so we can post them here.