Instagram has become a daily part of many people’s lives and the amount of followers a profile has is becoming a bragging right. So how do you increase your followers and the amount of likes and comments? For some it’s all natural, they are in the public eye or they are just one of those people that everyone loves therefore they already have hundreds of followers as soon as they start their profile. But for the rest of us, here are ten sure fire ways to get the follower counter going in the right direction.
If you have the courage you will be sure to increase your followers, comments, and likes with sexy or flirty pics. Whether the pics are selfies, famous people, or memes, giving your potential follower(s) something that they can’t help but stop and look at will certainly bring your numbers up!
Calling all pet lovers! Do you have cute puppies or kittens? There are plenty of animal lovers who would have a lot of fun going through your pet pics. Whether cute, funny, or clothed, animals can bring in a good amount of new followers.
Crafts and scrapbooking photos are another way to boost your flow of followers. Mothers everywhere are always looking for a new idea to either entertain their kids or help with a school project. Photos of crafts posted with directions or links will definitely bring in new followers.
Is Baking a favorite past time of yours or maybe you just love the idea of one day pulling these amazing recipes off. Whichever the case, baking is in right now. Post pictures of fresh baked cupcakes or just surf the web for creative baking ideas and the followers will come rolling in.
Despite all the jokes and ridicule, selfies aren’t going anywhere. In fact selfies, especially those of people genuinely having fun or doing something adventurous or over the top silly will land you followers galore. Whether you take a picture of just you or it’s a group selfie, people will flock to the moments of your life that are unforgettable.
Memes may not seem like much but hours upon hours can be spent reading, liking, and laughing. Just for the opportunity to re-share what you have posted on Instagram will be enough of a reason for people to want to follow your profile.
Tattoos, need I say more? Who doesn’t have some amount of appreciation for the amazing artistry of body ink? Tattoos have become such a norm in our society that many people are looking for that next tattoo. When they see your profile of tattoos they won’t hesitate to follow you just in case you post a picture captivating the essence of their next tattoo adventure.
Photography is another sure fire way to double up on followers. Genuinely artsy photos are beautiful and comment worthy. Regardless of being your photography or downloads, people will want to follow and join the conversation.
Fashion speaks for itself. Everyone has their own personal style, but as the times change so do fashion trends. Fashion themed Instagram profiles is a great way to stay in the loop which makes it nearly impossible to not rapidly increase your followers.
The last awesome idea I have to share with you today is pictures of traveling escapades. It is a fact, when you go on vacation, pictures is among the list of priorities. Take pictures of sunsets and monuments as well as silly pics. This tactic will work, and your new followers will love commenting on your pics and asking questions.
It doesn’t take a lot of time or energy to put together a grade A Instagram profile. It just takes the right pics. Use these tips and take just a few minutes every day to comment on other profiles and your followers increase at a noticeable rate.
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