Some snippets of work that's been included in PORTALS, our annual members show. Kudos to Elizabeth Addison, our Exhibitions Chair, for making this happen, and to the curator Karen Gutfreund. And not to forget the entire exhibition committee that works behind the scenes to make it all look seamless!
by ncwca 1 year ago | via Instagram

The Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art in collaboration with The City of Fremont's Olive Hyde Art Gallery present WOMEN CREATE SPACE A Celebration of Sculpture and Other Three-Dimensional Works by Bay Area Women Artists DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 NCWCA, SCWCA, Peninsula WCA and Olive Hyde Art...
by ncwca 2 weeks ago | via Instagram

What do I write if I'm in charge of social media for NCWCA and the post is about my own exhibition? 🤗 "Thank you for the impromptu visit and it's such a joy to be a part of this sisterhood!" - @chandrika.marla
by ncwca 1 month ago | via Instagram

CURATORIAL TOUR OF ACCESS on SUNDAY, 6/23! Arc Gallery, 1246 Folsom St, SF NCWCA has organized an in-person and contextual Curatorial Tour with Exhibition Director, Elizabeth Addison, on Sunday, June 23, 1:30-3:30 PM! Come and learn what this exhibition discusses, and see the huge variety of work that has been...
by ncwca 1 month ago | via Instagram