Medium brown lace is the first step for that perfect camouflage! Combine this with a thin layer of skin coloured silk when you order your custom wig, and you'll achieve a flawless blend ???????????????? #wigs #wigtips #wigadvice #lacewigs #laceunit #lacef
by weavegoodhair 7 years ago | via Instagram

????這碗 #鴨寶鴨肉飯 是最近在宜蘭吃到最令人魂牽夢縈的在地美食啊!! 好吃在這裡???? ✔鴨肉的口感非常好,加了湯汁的白飯也非常可口!! ✔當歸鴨肉麵線也非常超值 營業時間一到,店裏幾乎高朋滿座,來過好幾次,人潮真的是一波接一波啊 #yolo #instagood #taiwanesefood #taiwanfood #yilanfood #like
by smilebenjean 6 years ago | via Instagram