2/24のコンサートは、ピアノとベースのデュオ。単純な編成でしたが、アンサンブルが良く聞いて居て違和感なし…… シェルブールの雨傘、ムーンリヴァー等見事と言うよりとても楽しい雰囲気でした❗よく知られた(星に願いを)もいろんな編成で聴くことがありますけど、見事‼ 琴線に触れる演奏でした。アンコールの、[私のお気に入り]に至っては、思わず椅子から立ち上がってしまった。 毎週土曜日はコンサート。どちら様でも、お食事をしながらお聴きいただけます。 演奏希望の方は、ご連絡下さいませ。 発表会や会場使用も可能です。
by clochettedebois 6 years ago | via Instagram

Many parents already realize how crucial the ages 0-5 are in a child's development, but they aren't quite sure how to help nurture their child's curiosity and love of learning. That's why we love Biracial Bookworms Academy, which gives parents and caregiv
by alldonemonkey 5 years ago | via Instagram

This year I wanted to do something a little different for end of the year teacher gifts, so we made candied orange peel. Have you ever tried it? It is so good and super easy to make! We eat tons of oranges, so it's fun to find a way to...
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

We have a goal to visit all the parks in #sacramento - there are tons of these awesome parks tucked away in neighborhoods across the city. Here is a glimpse at our visit to Tanzanite Park recently. It got thumbs up from both of the boys for its playground
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram