あけましておめでとうございます???? . 昨年はいいねやコメントありがとうございました???? なかなかこちらからお邪魔しにいくこと少なくてすみません???? 新年はもうちょっと投稿数増やしていけるといいな。 引き続きどうぞよろしくお願いします✨ #2019年賀状 #キャバリア #cavalier #キャバリア多頭飼い #あけましておめでとうございます #年賀状 #謹賀新年
by cbsbr 5 years ago | via Instagram

What if teachers could dramatically reduce the amount of time they spend reviewing and correcting student work and actually see better results in terms of student learning? - - - #learning #instagood #culture #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers
by officialascd 6 years ago | via Instagram

What if education leaders approached their work with the perspective of a designer? NEW book from @officialascd available now. #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofig #iteachtoo #iteach #iteachhs #education #teacherlife #teacher #teac
by officialascd 6 years ago | via Instagram