BURGER VEGAN ••• Hello les amis, vous allez bien ? ???? La semaine dernière nous avions commandé des burgers végétaliens avec ma maman, ils étaient super bons en plus d'être appétissants. ???????? Et les frites maison tout autant. ????Nous avions commandé
Ne ho sempre desiderato uno e non potrà di certo mancare nella nuova casetta ! Che non vediamo l’ora sia pronta ! Ma quando poi ????
Ci sono tantissimi modelli tutti per voi ! Vi basta cliccare qui :
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I still don't know if in my belly there is a girl or a boy! ???? ????❤️ When I discover a brand that produce their #handmade products I am immediately impressed! Like @bows_by_ri ❤️❤️❤️ for me who works with his hands is to be appreciated! You like these