Lhama. O animal símbolo do Deserto do Atacama. Essa pintura feita a partir de uma de nossas fotos ficou tão linda que resolvemos mostrar para vcs. ------ Llama. The animal symbol of the Atacama Desert. This painting made from one of our photos was so beau
by nasestradasdoplaneta 6 years ago | via Instagram

What do you think about our latest collection and more specifically about our Logos range? #venum #venumapparel #clothing #picoftheday #instagood #Training #venumtraining #VenumFight #hk #hongkong #flyingknee #martialarts #combatsports
by venumofficial 6 years ago | via Instagram

Dare to train differently. Change brings opportunity #Venum #Technical #HongKong #hk #venumtraining #Training #VenumFight #picoftheday #instagood
by venumofficial 6 years ago | via Instagram