#如ㄦ吃台中 . #往左滑有菜單及影片 . 在台中市民廣場和草悟道交界 文藝氣息濃厚的地方,竟然隱藏著下午茶!!! 不僅可以畫畫,也可以品茶喝咖啡聊是非XDD - ???? #比利時雙人壺 (耶加雪夫) $280 附手工小餅乾 用比利時雙人壺煮起來的咖啡既有趣又好喝 能夠讓人在品嚐之前欣賞咖啡壺的運作過程 品嚐前先聞一下再喝 真的能夠增加咖啡的風味。 . ???? #阿法其朵冰淇淋 $150 冰淇淋淋上咖啡及些許巧克力醬 是一個專為大人設計的冰淇淋 冰的甜與咖啡的苦相容一起 讓這一杯吃起來真的很涼爽
by hongruru0526 6 years ago | via Instagram

Black beans, anyone? I've always thought that the best way of getting kids to try a variety of food is by modeling good habits, and eating together. I'm thrilled my daughter loves eating black beans, but I do wish she wouldn't always steal mine ??????????
by alldonemonkey 5 years ago | via Instagram

My little slugger! Teeball is so hilarious to watch because it really is like herding cats. The kids sometimes forget to drop the bat after they make a hit, or in the outfield they all want to run and catch the ball, often jumping into a huge pile and fig
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram