????????На ралли Дакар-92 экипаж Владимира Гольцова был вторым в своем классе на финише в Кейптауне. ????????At the #Dakar-92 rally, Vladimir Goltsov's crew was second in its class at the finish line in Cape Town. #KAMAZmaster30years #kamazmaster #kamazk
by kamazmastersport 6 years ago | via Instagram

???? #VBF18 Partner Announcement ???? The Vienna Boylesque Festival loves tradition, and a traditional #italian pizza shop around the corner even more. Thank god for their 1 meter #pizza ???? @la_pausa_vienna????- size does matter???? “The Vienna Boylesqu
by viennaboylesquefestival 6 years ago | via Instagram

Conheça os melhores critérios na altura de comprar um vinho - este sábado em mais uma Saturday Wine Club Session @theyeatman ???? Mais informações e reservas em www.eventos.theyeatman.com ???? #theyeatman #hotel #winelover #wine #winetasting #travel #por
by theyeatman 6 years ago | via Instagram