Talking alllll about a showroom that gives me a pounding heart and sweaty palms - what I told Megan at @eloquenceinc about their emails - and why there is no way that will happen. ???? Oh and they are having a 50% off sale. TODAY. ???? Link in profile to
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

#屋頂上的貓 是個非常可愛的景點,小小的街道,小小的社區,卻因可愛的貓彩繪而顯得生氣勃勃!! 重點是來過一次,還是會懷念這裏充滿歡笑聲的一景一物呢 #yolo #instagood #instalike #photooftheday #picoftheday #tagforlike #love #cute #like #beautiful #taiwan #children #小榛果愛漂亮
by smilebenjean 6 years ago | via Instagram