I know that not everyone has as much luck as I do. Today is The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia and I’m so grateful that I have family and friends that through last six years gave me nothing but love and support. There were
by princessechaos 6 years ago | via Instagram

Sneak peek of this cool piece in progress by artist Chris Peters aka @artbychrispeters at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram

"The eye is the jewel of the body" ~Henry David Thoreau Realistic piece from the other day from artist Gary Kolarik aka @the1gk at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ ????????
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram

Cute little gudetama piece from artist Jeff Bermingham aka @jeffberm at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ ????????????
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram