The Black Education Research Center at Teachers College (BERC) has received a $3.25 million grant from the @nyccouncil to develop an interdisciplinary K-12 Black studies curriculum for the city’s public schools. The grant follows BERC’s recent research re
by teacherscollege 2 years ago | via Instagram

From high-tech food access tools in Kenya to classroom robotics in Colombia, FabLearn Fellows — led by TC’s Paulo Blikstein — are helping students develop #STEM based solutions to problems in the classroom and their communities.
by teacherscollege 2 years ago | via Instagram

Though known as the go-to expert on the psychological effects of traumatic experiences, TC’s George Bonanno is more optimistic than one might think. Resilience, despite pain and suffering, is more prevalent than most assume, Bonanno explains in his latest
by teacherscollege 2 years ago | via Instagram

Russell is out here giving 120% on 120th.
by teacherscollege 2 years ago | via Instagram