Sometimes you have to make a mad dash. And you are flummoxed what to eat! So what about boiling some veggies like #sweetpotatoes #bottlegourd #carrots #cauliflower #greenpeas #greenbeans and then mix in #tomatoes #onions #ginger and #garlic and then seaso
by live4todayamit 6 years ago | via Instagram

Pass by today we can help #createurplate???? ????The Licking #FINGALICKING???????? #miami #foodie #instagood #grilledlobster #miamifood ???????? #wya #pullup #howdoyouwantit #wtf #where'sthefood #fie #lobster #mobster #friedchicken MIAMI GARDENS THE LICKING #FIN
by thelickingmiamigardens 6 years ago | via Instagram