Sisa foto kondangan weekend kemaren. Believe it or not ini dress umurnya udah tua banget loh, ini dress dari jaman SD mau masuk SMP (inget banget dulu pake ini ke birthday party temen). Tapi dulu kegedean banget jadi cuma dipake sekali. Tapi ga dibuang /
by yurikristia 5 years ago | via Instagram

Say hello to this amazing burger with tomatoe sauce, mozzarella, bacon, fried onion and Angus beef ????
by erahurka 6 years ago | via Instagram

Presenting you The Burger Room: Oh hi burger! ???????? I did not eat her! It's not true! It's ????????! I did not eat her! I did noooot. ???? Ahahha, what a burger story Mark! You're tearing me apart diet!!! ???? ????????????
by erahurka 6 years ago | via Instagram

A beef-cheddar pizza with tons of nachos, sauces and salsa on it ????????????
by erahurka 6 years ago | via Instagram