- ◽️Humble beginnings café - ◾️小小一間但俱特風風格的店,店面不過於改建,保留原有老屋的斑駁融入店面,蠻喜歡這風格的,白天來這吃個東西喝個飲料,晚上直接變酒吧,很適合朋友相約喝個一杯聊著天看球賽的節奏,享受悠閒的夜晚! - ◽️義風鄉間雞腿排 $360 ◽️炙燒雪花牛 $350 ◽️均附美式咖啡或約克夏紅茶 (升級飲料享半價優惠) ◽️另加65元可享脆薯一份 - ⚠️低消 每人一杯飲料或一份餐點! - ????詳細介紹可點IG頁面痞客邦連結詳看完整介紹! ——————————
by mark0574 5 years ago | via Instagram

Hey hey 2017, I see you just around the corner ???? Let's toast to the new year with Pomegranate Kir Royales! ???? RECIPE is #ontheblog --> http://www.girlversusdough.com/2015/12/29/pomegranate-kir-royale/ #linkinprofile #girlversusdough #BHGfood #buzzf
by girl_versus_dough 7 years ago | via Instagram

Just one more day of cookies and hot cocoa and then it's all about the Avocado Coconut Toast and salads, okay? ???????????????????????? RECIPE is #ontheblog --> http://www.girlversusdough.com/2016/06/23/avocado-coconut-toast/ #linkinprofile #girlversusdo
by girl_versus_dough 7 years ago | via Instagram