Kokosowe ciasto z galaretką
Składniki (forma 24 x 21 cm):
????70 g mąki kokosowej
????4 jajka
????125 ml jogurtu naturalnego
????50 g oleju kokosowego
????2 łyżki miodu
????1 owocowa galaretka ????400 ml wrzątku
????gaść malin
So somebody got too close to the water's edge on our hike last week... Tip for hiking with kids - always bring a change of clothes! I had an extra pair of pants for her but hadn't thought to bring an extra shirt. Luckily it was a warm day, so...
Getting little sister to make silly faces for the camera :) I am the youngest of four children, so I have very fond memories of all the silly fun we used to have. It always makes me smile to see them creating similar memories ????????
#mkbkids #sill