*BAWBAW 下北沢店* He's May! So #cute♡ * プードルのメイ君♡ * ホテル最終日にカットと温泉でふわふわになりました✧ * 甘えん坊メイちゃん♡ 最後までスタッフのひざの上で爆睡でした♡ * 温泉も、爆睡♡(笑) * またお待ちしております✩ #BAWBAW #下北沢 #世田谷 #源泉直送 #天然温泉 #温泉温浴 #犬猫温泉 ##???? #トイプードル #プードル #ふわもこ部 #いぬら部 #かわいい #トリマー募集中 #dog #dogsofinstagram #adorable #sleepydog
by bawbawplus 5 years ago | via Instagram

~~we are so glad to have contributed to the change for a better nation. Always a great feeling to strive to achieve a better version of ourselves, every step of the way. To a better future, together, cheers!~~
by luminnej 6 years ago | via Instagram

Do the smart thing. ???????? We live in a time and age where we’re all so incredibly connected. ⚡️ Technology is amazing and it allows us to keep in touch with our friends an family just about everywhere, means you can take a panoramic photos with the tou
by pushdoctor 6 years ago | via Instagram