月餅,外國的月亮沒有特別圓,但外國的月餅特別矜貴,多謝友人山長水遠帶來送我,月餅不可寄,會扣關打税,長期在外國,特別懷念這些中國傳統日子,以前也沒有那麼想吃月餅呢。 今晚才齊人吃月餅,配茉莉龍珠茶,中茶用 Narumi 的 Milano 最襯,一直很喜歡 Milano 系列,之前已有一對,多謝 #集雅廊 送來另一套,那就可以一家人齊齊用了,今個中秋最齊人,還有新成員小鬼呢。 #集雅廊久不久有做優惠要多留意 #在外國特別想食月餅揮手區 #比起流心我比較喜歡傳統月餅 #人月兩團圓不是必然 #珍惜每次的相聚
by oniyome27 5 years ago | via Instagram

Blooms, copper blues on repeat = a happy Sunday. And the #weekend #view is up on my blog this morning. I missed last week with a crazy schedule- but double the randomness this week- and more coming. Happy weekend. #sunday #sundayfunday #peony #peonies #l
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

Are you tired of those camellia blooms yet? The tree is about done blooming... but of course I took a TON of photos... so you might be seeing a few more :) #sorrynotsorry sharing more on my blog today. Back from #hpmkt and catching up - what’s everyone up
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

For those who asked- here is a wider view of this little vintage chest. It’s a charmer with hand painted details like pretty little flowers and a pop of color with that teal. But what I love most- the curvy legs and carved details. It’s actually part of a
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram