モーニングサービス7:00~11:00 ランチサービス11:00~14:00 アフタヌーンサービス11:00~19:00 ローストビーフとサラダのサンド♪ じっくりと焼き上げた自家製ローストビーフとキュウリ、オニオンスライス、トマト、レタスを厚切りトーストでサンド。柚子風味のサッパリとしたソースで仕上げてますので、このボリュームもペロリと完食してしまいます。 ランチタイムは、スープ、サラダ、デザート、ドリンクもついたお値打ちなセットもご用意しております。ご来店お待ちしております。 #Oto #oto
by oto.coffee 5 years ago | via Instagram

Happy Monday, everyone! Don't you wish you could still sleep this easily? Those with sharp eyes will see what she did with the packet of graham crackers. . . . #mkbkids #nap #naptime #toddlermom #toddlerlife #grahamcrackers #crumbs #mess #messymonday #ins
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

When you find a special teacher, it can really make all the difference! Teacher Ashley and Teacher Ramsey at Tiny Tots at the @southnatomascc really go above and beyond to make their students (and families) feel like part of the Tiny Tots family. My son l
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

So somebody got too close to the water's edge on our hike last week... Tip for hiking with kids - always bring a change of clothes! I had an extra pair of pants for her but hadn't thought to bring an extra shirt. Luckily it was a warm day, so...
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram