YA LO PROBASTE? SUCURSAL MONTERREY: ????Plaza Valle alto 200 T: (81)8317-8880 SUCURSALES SALTILLO: ????Rufino Tamayo T: (844)485-0044 ????Los González T: (844)688-3373 ????Plaza Moras T: (844) 439-2544 Visita nuestro delicioso menú en: www.sushiyasi.com #
by sushi_y_asi 5 years ago | via Instagram

@ediemarieceramics silkscreen stencil of her new business logo soaking in water. Love seeing that ghost image! . . . #silkscreen #silkscreenprint #silkscreenprinting #silkscreening #screenprinting #screenprint #screenprinted #screenprinter #diyscreenprint
by ezscreenprint 6 years ago | via Instagram