The countdown begins to the Alpha Derby Party! It is the perfect excuse to play dress up! This is the Southern Belle look I wore a few years ago. Then the following year, (swipe left) I went for a sexier look. I wonder what look this year will bring. Clic
by twostylishkays 5 years ago | via Instagram

奴才在哪?!???????? 黃阿瑪的後宮生活 來馬了 ???????????? 沒想到貓咪超有號召力 ???? 現場爆滿的咧! 而且年齡男男女女 老老少少都有 ???? 以前也有幫朋友養過一個月的貓???? 超懷念的~每晚一屁股坐在我臉上睡覺的日子???? 聽說前陣子它走失了......希望它一切安好 ❤️ #PIXstyleMemy #PIXstyler2018 #cat #catlover #kl #kualalumpur #黃阿瑪的後宮生活 #taiwanese #malaysia #igers
by cestlajez 5 years ago | via Instagram