???? #唐三彩 現在的博物館珍藏著千百年前無數的銅鼎、陶俑、字畫等瑰寶; 千百年後的博物館大概展出著無數的泡麵碗、手搖塑膠杯、跟iphone廢機吧。 (如果還有千百年後的話) —— Now our museums exhibit plethora of handicrafts, paintings, and artefacts from hundreds and thousands of years ago; While hundreds and thousands of years after, t
by kates_fz 4 years ago | via Instagram

Say hello to this amazing burger with tomatoe sauce, mozzarella, bacon, fried onion and Angus beef ????
by erahurka 5 years ago | via Instagram

Presenting you The Burger Room: Oh hi burger! ???????? I did not eat her! It's not true! It's ????????! I did not eat her! I did noooot. ???? Ahahha, what a burger story Mark! You're tearing me apart diet!!! ???? ????????????
by erahurka 5 years ago | via Instagram

A beef-cheddar pizza with tons of nachos, sauces and salsa on it ????????????
by erahurka 5 years ago | via Instagram