Dobranoc #instawtorek Jeszcze zbieram siły po pełnym emocji weekendzie, jeszcze potrzebuję dużo snu i zdecydowanie czekam na chłód... podobno już w piątek... A przed nami najdłuższy tydzień świata - za półtora tygodnia wakacje ???? Kto jeszcze czeka tak j
by magdawiniszewska 4 years ago | via Instagram

And so it begins! After getting rained out last weekend, the little league season has officially kicked off! Both boys had games yesterday. I was afraid they'd be nervous as this is the first year playing for both of them, but they had a great time, despi
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

Bedouins enjoying their lunch in the Wadi Rum desert. #jordan #AbrahamTours #travel
by travelblonde 6 years ago | via Instagram

This was taken in St. Thomas, USVI. I was playing with the Prisma app again. #stthomas #travel #prismapp
by travelblonde 7 years ago | via Instagram