Olá ???? A @momondo fez a pergunta : "Qual é o teu ideal de férias no teu país?" É fácil ... Assim "por alto" e sem contar todos os pormenores das 24 horas, porque há coisas que ninguém quer saber ... ???? aqui fica um dos meus roteiros favoritos para...
Pollo al horno with arroz mamposteao (yellow rice mixed with beans) from Bebo’s Cafe in San Juan, Puerto Rico. You can choose your own side dish such as arroz congri (rice with black beans), tostones (fried plantains), or amarillos (sweet plantains).
Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut is the birthplace of the American hamburger. They still grill their burgers in the old ovens. Onions are grilled with the burgers rather than placed after grilling. They also use loaf bread for buns. And take note, n