Oftentimes, it takes us buckets of tears, sweat and (literally) blood before we achieve what we want in life. But so long as it means waking up the next day to a morning as majestic and picturesque as this, I would not mind fighting till I shed the last b
by pinoykusinero_enzf 7 years ago | via Instagram

Kolorowy talerz ze sprężystym spaghetti, słodką fasolą i kremowym, oliwnym sosem. By to przygotować potrzebujesz tylko jednego garnka. Nie mogło być prościej! ???? ???????? link w bio . . . #spahgetti #italianstyle #vegan #pasta #veganpasta #veganfood #fo
by wegannerdblog 6 years ago | via Instagram

All smiles at the beach! #mymyrtlebeach AD
by alikirbymn 6 years ago | via Instagram