We spent the morning and early afternoon at the beach (see parts 1 2). Then we went straight to drop David Ally off at football training with Point FC, which they loved. While they were at football Shen got the paddling pool out for Fraser, then when A
by myhousefulofboys 4 years ago | via Instagram

????▋ #雞玉錦拉麵▋日本連續四年排隊第一名,來自秋田縣的雞湯拉麵 ???? https://goo.gl/f9iHED ✔雞香醇清湯醬油拉麵$200 ✔雞濃熟白高湯/豪華醬油拉麵 $280 不論是濃湯或清湯,湯頭都溫潤順口不油膩!! 也不會過鹹,非常和台灣人的口味。將麵和著湯汁一起吃下肚,麵條夾雜著美味的湯頭,感覺麵條也吸附了部份的湯汁,非常過癮 #ramen #taiwanramen #taipeifood #taiwanesefood #taiwanrestaurant #taipeiresta
by smilebenjean 6 years ago | via Instagram

♨南紀白濱海岸▋和歌山自駕遊▋享海景、泡湯趣,日本最古老的崎の湯 ! #南紀白浜三勝景~ #三段壁 #千疊敷 #円月島 ????https://goo.gl/sBq7ky 白濱町是面臨太平洋紀伊半島富有代表性的溫泉地區,與大分縣的別府和靜岡縣的熱海並列,被稱爲日本三大溫泉地。天然美景則是有南紀白濱三勝景,有海蝕洞窟的無人小島─圓月島、高 50~60 米如同屏風的斷崖─三段壁、柔軟的砂岩形成呈臺階狀的大岩席─千疊敷等,更有日本最古老的湯加上細如麵粉的白沙的沙灘與週遭的非常多溫泉勝地,這裏可以玩的點真的太豐富了
by smilebenjean 6 years ago | via Instagram