Assistir ao nascer do sol por trás das dunas do Saara foi um destes momentos únicos que vivemos no Marrocos. Havia alguns turistas aglomerados sobre uma duna aguardando o momento, mas eu preferi caminhar pelas dunas sozinho e ter estes dois dromedarios co
by sala_de_embarque 4 years ago | via Instagram

Auction Bingo Party with Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs. Miller! #onlyatsaintbrendan #saintbrendanschool
by saintbrendanschool 6 years ago | via Instagram

We are leaving the fund a need open until this Friday at midnight. If you would like to donate, please text stbrendan to the number 24700 to get started. You will then click the pledge button in the right corner to make a donation to our library fund. We
by saintbrendanschool 6 years ago | via Instagram