. . ささみプロテインバーでおなじみの 丸善PROFITより新商品が発売いたしました‼️ . 卵白プロテインバー ホワイトペッパー 2本入り ¥216 (税込) . ✔️たんぱく質 8.3g ※1本(65g)あたり ✔️保存料・発色剤・着色料不使用 ✔️コラーゲン 4,000mg ✔️EAA(必須アミノ酸)9種類配合 . . 良質なたんぱく質で脂質がほとんどない 卵白を主原料としたプロテインバー???????? . かまぼこのような柔らかい食感で、 手軽にたんぱく質を摂取できます????◎ . . Me
by mellowflow.studio 4 years ago | via Instagram

Sweet honeydew ????
by theiceangel 6 years ago | via Instagram

A big fan of these beauties- here’s a close up. Foxgloves are a must have in my cottage garden. What is your fav or one of your favs? #foxglove #foxgloves #gardening #cottage #cottagegarden #inspiration #instagood #beautiful #flowers #iphonex #iphonephoto
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

Blooms, copper blues on repeat = a happy Sunday. And the #weekend #view is up on my blog this morning. I missed last week with a crazy schedule- but double the randomness this week- and more coming. Happy weekend. #sunday #sundayfunday #peony #peonies #l
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram