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Becoming your own Master

Published on Apr 21, 2017

Multi-tasking your way to more money

The saying “everyone is an entrepreneur”, first used as a joke is fast becoming a reality and is something that definitely needs a little digging into.

I can’t think that there would be a single person reading this who wouldn’t admit that they would be loving have their passion bring in the cash.

Pursue our passion and happiness on a daily basis WHILE making money. Who wouldn’t want that?

These days almost everyone has access to the entrepreneurial system. Online e-commerce sites are booming and this, in turn, has an obvious effect on crime rates as the youth of today is brought up in the world of Instagramming as well as social media marketing and is exposed to a million ways of pursuing their passions online.

Which is as we have established by now where the money is at.

It is a fact that each one of has dreamt of starting our own business at some point in time. But either the fear of failure or lack of self-confidence kept us from pursuing our dream.

If you are thinking about starting your own online business endeavor we have some helpful tips on skill sets necessary to achieve just that.

There is a catch here but let’s get going before you stop reading

1. You need to master various skillsets

It is fantastic to be able to obtain a degree or qualification in your chosen career path. However, and I might get a little flack here for my opinion. Having a degree or qualification, obtaining a well-established and highly ranked position in a corporate company is not necessarily the way of the future.

Building on your already obtained qualification (if you are lucky to have one) is a must these days. You need to become knowledgeable and build on that already obtained college degree, making yourself a jack of all trades, master of one or all skills you acquire.

In our vast library of knowledge SO easily attainable these days there is no excuse for you not to be able to do this. Using a very simple example of my seven-year-old watching educational YouTube videos, my daughter’s general knowledge far surpasses my own at times and is absolutely astounding.

2. Start out right

Remember the very important various skill sets well, here you go. You need to start out right by creating a very strong online presence. Mastering the social networking system is crucial to your success.

A skill you can’t ignore and which will ultimately determine your success or failure. Stay on track and up to date with everything new regarding social media platforms and tools. You need to constantly be vigilant of your websites look and feel, making sure it doesn’t become outdated.

Build an online brand recognizable throughout all social media platforms. There are so many online tools you can use to help you stay clued up with your look and feel for your company profile as well as keeping it consistent across social media platforms – make use of them!

SnapWidget is one of those tools that is just amazing in assisting you to simplify the process. There are numerous customizable photo and video widgets to choose from.

It is the best Instagram, Twitter and Facebook widget and allows you as a business owner, entrepreneur or publisher to automatically display your photos or those of your clients on your website.

Make sure to become your clients, potential customers, peers and online influencers’ best friend by making use of these tools to promote and showcase not only your own business but theirs as well.

Word of mouth still remains one of the best ways to promote your business. Get that blog started, tweet about your business, be sure to get the best out of your Instagramming.

3. No more 8 – 5 BUT multitask

As things are moving from family owned retail stores to e-commerce there is no need to be sitting at a desk for hours on end, which is fantastic. Our technological status and development have brought us to a place where you can literally communicate business while pumping your gas on your way to the gym.

4. Dedication is key

This brings me to a very important point of being dedicated and disciplined but flexible at the same time. Some people might think this shouldn’t be accountable as a skillset but it is a very important one.

If you are serious about making your title as “entrepreneur” one you can be proud of and that sticks you need to be dedicated to having work on mind 99% of the time while going about your day to day. This can be quite stressful and is something that needs some patience and determination.

Finding the right balance that works for you will take time and dedication. You will probably feel like you are failing miserably numerous times but as time goes on you will automatically fall into a rhythm that really works.

Good Luck!!