You have the freedom to take advantage of its rich media functionalities by adding photographs, include text and post videos, to name but a few.
Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website which allow users to post content and follow other users’ blogs.
They also seem to be free of some of the constraints given by Facebook and Twitter, while at the same time having similar social sharing features.
Giving you the opportunity to publish your content from Tumblr across all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, RSS feed using Feedburner and even an email and mobile publishing system) makes managing online social media content a breeze.
It makes perfect sense to us that Tumblr can be counted in as one of those platforms actually to be reckoned with and it is clear to see why online retailers will see Tumblr as the go-to platform for any marketing strategy.
Let’s have a look at how you can add your Instagram widget to Tumblr.
Follow these steps to create your widget.
Once you’ve created your widget, follow the appropriate steps below to add it to your blog.
tag to display a horizontal line above the widget.<h1> Our Products </h1>
. You can use <h2>
or <h3>
as well depending on the required header type.<div>
area with the widget centered in the chosen area, the width of the widget set to a % of the chosen area, and the header text centered as well.Tip: Working in the HTML editor with Line wrap toggled on makes reading your HTML code very difficult due to the shared Preview pane.
To make reading your HTML code easier, click on the Edit options button.
Toggle Line wrap to OFF.
Insert widget before any posts but after the navigation line.
In the HTML file, search for the following line (should be at ~ line 322).
<section id=“posts” class=“content clearfix {block:HideTitle{block:HideDescription}no-title-desc
Insert your snippet just below this line (Tip: add a </br>
tag at the end of the snippet to insert a break between the widget and the post).
(Note that the widget is responsive, the preview will display the page based on the width of the preview pane so the widget could appear narrower than real!)
Insert widget at the bottom of the posts content.
</div> <!– .main –>
(Note that the widget is responsive, the preview will display the page based on the width of the preview pane so the widget could appear narrower than real!)
Insert widget in the sidebar.
<div class=”sidebar”>
(Note that the widget is responsive, the preview will display the page based on the width of the preview pane so the widget could appear narrower than real!)
Check out our how-to video tutorial on youtube: