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by hickoryclub 6 years ago | via Instagram

They look like such angels when they're sleeping, don't they?? But sometimes those little angels have trouble sleeping because of fears and anxieties. On the blog today, I'm sharing 5 tips that I've learned through tough experience on how to help an anxio
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

Some of you may remember the #samovar we showed in a video a few weeks ago. Sunday we finally got to show the video to our Baha'i children's class and tell the story of #shero Bahiyyih Khanum and how as a child she used to help her family by serving...
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

Do you have books that your kids love reading? Now imagine books that they enjoy - that are also (sneakily!) teaching them about science or grammar! Check out my latest post (link in bio) about fun books for kids that are also educational! What books are
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram