認真推薦各位來巴黎時不要錯過四季飯店新開的《L'Orangerie》橘園 這是目前我認為最適合觀光者用來入門法國Haute cuisine的不二之選,環境恬美舒適、料理溫婉細膩,而且價格便宜,千萬別錯過。 All dishes are amazing, GO NOW! Lunch Menu €75 Discovering menu €95 Tasting menu €125 -Merci- #orangerie #fourseasons #paris #georgev #georgevparis @fou
by hyho_demimonde 7 years ago | via Instagram

La primavera fa capolino e poi torna indietro di nuovo.... sembra sbocciare con tutto il suo splendore... e poi torna indietro. Dai primavera, non farti desiderare, noi ti vogliamo qui, vogliamo mangiare all’aperto e gustare piatti freddi in buona compagn
by tery_pep 6 years ago | via Instagram

????BIG NEWS ????! I AM MOVING TO ISRAEL ???????? for the next 3-months! • I’m excited to be working on a content creation project with a wonderful faith-based organization there! It’s quite the new adventure for me, and I am beyond thankful for this exci
by anastasiarjd 6 years ago | via Instagram