今天台灣下午沸沸揚揚的在討論米其林密探,腦中浮現的除了RAW和MUME以及那些我們耳熟能詳的老牌以外,便是這間Orchid Restaurant 蘭了,這是用法國標準比較而言。 本來不想多講話,但和朋友們討論過後還是決定以字廢言發表一點拙見,剛剛已經設定了一篇關於台灣米其林的FB排程貼文,大家明天下午一點半可以看到(我是擔心多過雀躍啦),在IG這就簡單講一下蘭餐廳簡感:「彷若流金之夢——有些不致命但略微惱人的小瑕疵,即便這樣依舊可人。」 詳細食記待補,最近要先處理法國那堆積如山的問題(與稿債orz) -
by hyho_demimonde 7 years ago | via Instagram

La primavera fa capolino e poi torna indietro di nuovo.... sembra sbocciare con tutto il suo splendore... e poi torna indietro. Dai primavera, non farti desiderare, noi ti vogliamo qui, vogliamo mangiare all’aperto e gustare piatti freddi in buona compagn
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????BIG NEWS ????! I AM MOVING TO ISRAEL ???????? for the next 3-months! • I’m excited to be working on a content creation project with a wonderful faith-based organization there! It’s quite the new adventure for me, and I am beyond thankful for this exci
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