Today I'm wearing red and white at the office for the #UNstaff #worldaidsday - #HIV/AIDS is profound in #southafrica - Another aspect of my internship is undertaking #research on the disproportionate HIV/ #AIDS risk among young women compared to young men
by flanderstraineeprogramme 7 years ago | via Instagram

클립선글라스 패피들의 필수 아이템입니다 GM7055 수제 아세테이트 콤비네이션 . 상담카톡 : damico . mod:7055 price:69,000 . . #맞팔 #소통 #선팔 #셀스타그램 #좋아요 #셀카 #인친 #얼스타그램 #먹스타그램 #맛스타그램 #일상스타그램 #옷스타그램 #instagood #오오티디 #팔로미 #인스타 #패션 #팔로잉 #l4l #셀기꾼
by greeneye_insta 7 years ago | via Instagram

You'll fall in love with these Cheesy Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño Poppers. I made this delicious appetizer while watching the Vikings last night. This 30 minute recipe is low carb and keto friendly too! Link in profile. #lowcarb #keto #appetizer #foodgasm #fo
by forksnflipflops 7 years ago | via Instagram