#BABES... @regrann from @evavonschnippisch - Jungle Fever backstage @honeysucklerevue vis ein beautiful bird of paradise @velvet.jones und ein stunning shimmering mermaid @merlesque.mermaids #compere #cabaret #cambridge #host
by honeysucklerevue 6 years ago | via Instagram

Fresh pic of this traditional piece done by artist Douglas Sparks aka @meanmugdoug at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ ????⏱️
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram

King of the jungle done by Matthew Doherty aka @dohertytattoos at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ ????????
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram

Half sleeve in progress by artist Douglas Sparks aka @meanmugdoug at Empire Tattoo in Clementon, NJ
by empiretattooinc 6 years ago | via Instagram