(重發!不知道為什麼覺得放嘴唇在首圖覺得有點不舒服所以重發????) #踢那周愛用唇彩 @toocoolforschool_official | 格子玩美唇釉 #12冷豔紅 too cool for school | Glossy Blaster Tint #12reddragon _____ 介紹過很多次的唇彩???? 最近重新愛上這個色號,是個冷冽的暗紅色,可以擦得很霸氣、很有氣場 也可薄擦或以咬唇方式上(照片顏色偏淡了一些) . 它是屬於水潤型的染唇唇釉,剛上唇時的妝感比較水亮一段時間後水亮感
by tinajouluv 5 years ago | via Instagram

. . 今日から4日間東京???? . . ゴールデンウィーク明けで、凄い混雑してるw . . 今週なかなかハードスケジュールやけど、木曜まで頑張ろ???????? . . . #いいね #instagood #東京 #tokyo #フォロー #japan #インスタ #フォロバ #仕事 #life #instlike #instgood
by riki_sedori.life 6 years ago | via Instagram

~~we are so glad to have contributed to the change for a better nation. Always a great feeling to strive to achieve a better version of ourselves, every step of the way. To a better future, together, cheers!~~
by luminnej 5 years ago | via Instagram

Do the smart thing. ???????? We live in a time and age where we’re all so incredibly connected. ⚡️ Technology is amazing and it allows us to keep in touch with our friends an family just about everywhere, means you can take a panoramic photos with the tou
by pushdoctor 5 years ago | via Instagram