イタリアの上質な植物タンニン鞣し革から厳選し、さらに『Mens Leather Store』がカラー・素材の組み合わせや糸・金具の選定などを特別オーダーした、MLS限定によるオリジナルの逸品。 #名刺入れ #カードケース #プレゼント #彼氏プレゼント #メンズプレゼント #メンズギフト #バレンタイン #クリスマスプレゼント #父の日 #父の日プレゼント #誕生日プレゼント #日本製 #メイドインジャパン #MensLeatherStore #メンズレザーストア
by mens_leather_store 6 years ago | via Instagram

Are you tired of those camellia blooms yet? The tree is about done blooming... but of course I took a TON of photos... so you might be seeing a few more :) #sorrynotsorry sharing more on my blog today. Back from #hpmkt and catching up - what’s everyone up
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

For those who asked- here is a wider view of this little vintage chest. It’s a charmer with hand painted details like pretty little flowers and a pop of color with that teal. But what I love most- the curvy legs and carved details. It’s actually part of a
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram

Got up early this morning to tackle a bit of work - and that means pouring another cup is definitely on the agenda. And is anyone else super frustrated with the latest ig update? Trouble with tagging, replying to comments and when editing, half the time i
by frenchcountrycottage 6 years ago | via Instagram