THANK YOU. ——— We love spending time with our community and family. Thank you Calvary for making Summer Bash a HUGE SUCCESS! Swipe over for a recap if you missed it! ——— #CalvaryChurchCC #SummerBashCC
by calvarychurchcc 6 years ago | via Instagram

Tweedowa mini spódniczka • SOFIA • ⭐️ Ołówkowy fason świetnie wyszczupla sylwetkę, a wystrzępiony dół dodaje nonszalancji ⭐️ Idealna na lato ☀️ Dostępna na stronie • • zapraszamy ♥️ / #polishbrand #brand #poland #vsco #vscocam #instagood
by trzyigly 6 years ago | via Instagram

Walked by this beautiful building the other day ????, does anyone know the story behind it??
by lifeindus 6 years ago | via Instagram

Forever obsessed with toe rings and ripped jeans, ever since I was a 10 year old girl. Fave. That and chokers. . What was your "must" trend?? . . . . . . . #lookslikefilm #documentlife #embracingtheedge #beunraveled #gallerylightfeature #lightinspired #li
by kcmstudios 6 years ago | via Instagram