昨天和狼晶出席了 The Unit Store的台北敦南店開幕典禮 這次首度開放 Olivia Burton 品牌限定快閃花店 到處被花朵包圍的感覺真好????????????️???? 而且還有Olivia Burton多款限量獨家錶飾系列首度曝光 現場展示了很多漂亮的手錶、首飾跟手環配件等等 其實你就可以把他想成是飾品品牌的選品店啦~ 我發現還有我滿喜歡的飾品品牌 PAUL HEWITT也有在裏頭,好難得在實體店面看到這個牌子,馬上睜大眼睛~ 狼晶還一度心動超想敗的 女孩們有興趣可以找時間來逛逛兒 我
by cuterosalind 5 years ago | via Instagram

What if teachers could dramatically reduce the amount of time they spend reviewing and correcting student work and actually see better results in terms of student learning? - - - #learning #instagood #culture #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers
by officialascd 6 years ago | via Instagram