恐るべし吉田投手。。 東北へ深紅の優勝旗を⚾︎ 久々にいい男を見た???? #全国高校野球選手権記念大会 #baseball #baseballlife #高校野球 #高校野球100年 #甲子園 #夏の高校野球 #100回記念大会 #100回目の夏 #最後の夏 #⚾️ #レジェンド始球式 #大魔神佐々木 #球児達の夏 #金足農業 #秋田県代表 #ミラクル #吉田輝星 #儀式 #ルーティン #のけぞり校歌 #最高 #応援ちう #監督が同い年 #第62回選抜高校野球大会出場 #大阪桐蔭 #決勝 #東北に優勝旗を
by k2_apartment 5 years ago | via Instagram

My little slugger! Teeball is so hilarious to watch because it really is like herding cats. The kids sometimes forget to drop the bat after they make a hit, or in the outfield they all want to run and catch the ball, often jumping into a huge pile and fig
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

California poppies, spotted at the visitors center at Cosumnes River Preserve, one of our favorite places for nature walks with the kids. It was a beautiful sunny day, though pleasantly cool. It was the perfect place for a Mother's Day hike together. How
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram