Para vos desejar uma doce, colorida e feliz semana trago-vos um fantástico curd de clementina. Serviu para acompanhar uma pavlola mas pode ser servido com panquecas, como recheio de tortas ou bolos. A receita é da @joanacostaroque  Ingredientes para 1 fra
by coisas.simples.sao.receita 5 years ago | via Instagram

And so it begins! After getting rained out last weekend, the little league season has officially kicked off! Both boys had games yesterday. I was afraid they'd be nervous as this is the first year playing for both of them, but they had a great time, despi
by alldonemonkey 6 years ago | via Instagram

Bedouins enjoying their lunch in the Wadi Rum desert. #jordan #AbrahamTours #travel
by travelblonde 7 years ago | via Instagram

This was taken in St. Thomas, USVI. I was playing with the Prisma app again. #stthomas #travel #prismapp
by travelblonde 7 years ago | via Instagram