昨年イタリアで開催された世界最大の木質バイオマス燃焼機器展示会「PROGETT FUOCO」のMCZ GROUPブース‼️流石2大トップブランドの一つ!他を圧倒する規模とセンス! #mczgroup #mcz #progettofuoco2018 #italy #italia #verona #japan #pelletstove #stofu #ペレットストーブ #ペレットストーブのアイワ #株式会社アイワ #富士市 #fuji #fujicity
by aiwa_pellet 5 years ago | via Instagram

????BIG NEWS ????! I AM MOVING TO ISRAEL ???????? for the next 3-months! • I’m excited to be working on a content creation project with a wonderful faith-based organization there! It’s quite the new adventure for me, and I am beyond thankful for this exci
by anastasiarjd 6 years ago | via Instagram

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the pe
by anastasiarjd 6 years ago | via Instagram