Les 2 rosés pour votre fin semaine: Vous aimez le sud du #Rhône, C'est pour cela que j'ai choisi le Sécateurs #afriquedusud à reflets environnementaux du #Rhônesud Évidemment, je voulais comparer l'aspect méridionalde de c'est deux rosés. Le premier rosé,
by davidboulet_vin 5 years ago | via Instagram

There is no perfect, ideal, and cohesive road for motherhood, only the twist and turns of the “figure it out yourself” sort... Was I ever a fully-fledged person before I had my children? Why yes, of course I was… I had a life and it was a great one –...
by rockshic 6 years ago | via Instagram

Be unique with this design. Go to my DBH shop and find amazing designs. Click link in bio!????✌ . . #geometric #abstract #minimalistic #modern #junior #young #derg #design #purple #blue #cool #girlfashion #tee #tshirt #sweater #sweatshirt #butterfly #co
by derg6 6 years ago | via Instagram

Be cool, be you. Go to my DBH shop and find amazing designs. Click link in bio!????✌ . . #bear #nerd #geek #estudying #girl #sexy #redhair #fashion #travel #school #lightblue #blue #cool #girlfashion fashion #tee #tshirt #junior #sundaypic #buy #like #fol
by derg6 6 years ago | via Instagram