今朝ワイキキ物件登記した後、空港に家族ピックアップ☺️ お姉ちゃん、遅くなったけどお誕生日おめでとう???? 昨年と同じく、アマアマでお祝。 姪っ子のマネして、頭に被ってみた!笑 Just Sold????㊗️???? Happy belated Birthday to my sister???????????? #happybelatedbirthday #aulani #amaama #koolina #justsold #mysis #ハワイ不動産 #ハワイ不動産ブログ藤岡めぐみ #アウラニディズ
by megumi_fujioka 4 years ago | via Instagram

Do the smart thing. ???????? We live in a time and age where we’re all so incredibly connected. ⚡️ Technology is amazing and it allows us to keep in touch with our friends an family just about everywhere, means you can take a panoramic photos with the tou
by pushdoctor 6 years ago | via Instagram