ˢᴱᴾ30.19 #微立掃地機器人 ???? 颱風天來玩玩新玩具❤️ 家中的第3台掃地機器人,這次根本是被顏色勸敗吧! (前2台有人要接手嗎❓) 自從入手第一台掃地機器人後,我們家再也沒人願意拿儲藏室拿吸塵器吸地了,這款A3智慧吸塵機器人多了擦地功能,還能app雲端操控行走路線,沒電自動回充。 比起兩年前的第一台國際牌貴鬆鬆機器人,進步好多呀???? 我習慣早上睜開眼睛,就用手機把機器人叫去工作,盥洗完後準備出門,再叫它回去充電,晚上洗完澡頭髮時把它叫出來,長頭髮女生一定很懂,每次邊吹頭髮邊掉,有了掃地機
by yentzu_life 4 years ago | via Instagram

. . 今日から4日間東京???? . . ゴールデンウィーク明けで、凄い混雑してるw . . 今週なかなかハードスケジュールやけど、木曜まで頑張ろ???????? . . . #いいね #instagood #東京 #tokyo #フォロー #japan #インスタ #フォロバ #仕事 #life #instlike #instgood
by riki_sedori.life 6 years ago | via Instagram

~~we are so glad to have contributed to the change for a better nation. Always a great feeling to strive to achieve a better version of ourselves, every step of the way. To a better future, together, cheers!~~
by luminnej 6 years ago | via Instagram

Do the smart thing. ???????? We live in a time and age where we’re all so incredibly connected. ⚡️ Technology is amazing and it allows us to keep in touch with our friends an family just about everywhere, means you can take a panoramic photos with the tou
by pushdoctor 6 years ago | via Instagram